
Charles-Chaplin by Carlos Castro Pérez
Serena Williams by Carlos Castro Pérez
Lutan Fyah by Carlos Castro Pérez
Lutan Fyah
Damian Marley
Usain Bolt
Bruce Lee
Genma Mengual
Jorge Lorenzo
Fernando Alonso
Pau Gasol
Andres Iniesta
Rafa Nadal

 Friendbook Portraits Project

The Hunter

Kase O Band

Ola, rematei unha nova ilustracion dunha caricatura dun señor que lle gusta pescar.
Aqui vai a ilustración e o proceso de creación, dende a imaxe en boceto a branco e negro ata a ilustración final.

Hello! I just finished the new illustration of one fisher caricature.

Here's the final illustration and the creation process, from black&white image to the final.

by Carlos Castro Perez

Friend  Cartoon Portraits
Carlos Castro©2011

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